I didn't think that my life would ever be connected with frontend development.
From the moment I started studying at the university,
I was looking for the first part-time jobs and these were retail sales.
I have worked in various areas of retail sales as a salesperson.
Later, my path led me to one of the largest companies, Inventive Retail Group,
where I have been operating for ten years now. Since then,
I have held the position of administrator and professionally work with Apple equipment and staff.
I never stood still and tried to learn more: I have an Apple ACSP certificate,
I received the Apple Expert status several times. And apparently my desire to learn new things led me to Frontend.
Now I devote all my free time to studying Frontend Development.
- VS Code
- Git and GitHub
- HTML5 and CSS3
- JavaScript
- React
function multiply(a, b)
return a * b
Kemerovo State University / Politic knowlege and Sociology